Working Trials

Working Trials is a discipline that’s usually held out on a farm or in the veld. It shows a dog’s usefulness and works with the traits that have been bred into dogs. Most dogs enjoy this “work” especially the nosework and tracking sections.

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If you enjoy the outdoors, enjoy being out in the fields early in the morning and want to be with your dog, then Working Trials is an option for you. Working Trials is a Kusa discipline that is usually held out on a farm or in the veld. It is to show a dog’s usefulness to man and works with the traits that have been bred into dogs over the years. Most dogs really enjoy this “work” especially the nosework and tracking sections.

The Obedience section consists of basic heelwork in public areas, retrieve of a dumbbell, a recall, a 10 minute down stay out of sight as well as a send away to a distant marker. The Agility section is just 3 jumps – the long jump, a high jump and an A-frame.

The Nosework section consists of the Search and Tracking. In the search the dog has to find small hidden objects in a marked off area within a certain time limit. This is equivalent to a police dog finding evidence at a crime scene. With the tracking the dog has to smell the track/spoor that has been left when someone has walked through the veld, dropping a couple of articles on the way. The more senior the test is -the longer and more complicated the track becomes.

Tracking is affected by heat, moisture& wind. Moisture assists the dog so most training takes place early morning. Training is early Sunday mornings. Times vary according to the season.

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