Working Trials
Other Trainings
The Obedience section consists of basic heelwork in public areas, retrieve of a dumbbell, a recall, a 10 minute down stay out of sight as well as a send away to a distant marker. The Agility section is just 3 jumps – the long jump, a high jump and an A-frame.
The Nosework section consists of the Search and Tracking. In the search the dog has to find small hidden objects in a marked off area within a certain time limit. This is equivalent to a police dog finding evidence at a crime scene. With the tracking the dog has to smell the track/spoor that has been left when someone has walked through the veld, dropping a couple of articles on the way. The more senior the test is -the longer and more complicated the track becomes.
Tracking is affected by heat, moisture& wind. Moisture assists the dog so most training takes place early morning. Training is early Sunday mornings. Times vary according to the season.